ONE IMAGE: 40 Million Canadians

The country that, as an American, I so often find falling into the Uncanny Valley…



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I do not know about you, but I would consider anything less than 10 people per square kilometer—25 people per square mile—“sparsely populated”.

Figure that is five farming families per square mile. That means 130-acre farms, a little less than the U.S. 1862 Homestead Act allotted, which I had always thought was geared to the low-water environment of the trans-Missouri and hence to a sparse population.

Where the people are:

  • Greater Toronto: 6 million

  • Greater Montréal: 4 million

  • Greater Vancouver: 2.5 million

  • Greater Ottawa-Gatineau: 1.5 million

  • Greater Calgary: 1.5 million

  • Greater Edmonton: 1.4 million

That’s 17 million people—42% of the population—living in metropolitan areas of one million or more, my benchmark for people whose life experience is truly “urban” by the standards of the 2000s. Compare to 47% for the United States and Germany, 43% for Mexico, 40% for South Africa, 31% for China, and 17% for India and Nigeria.

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What other things should one know about Canadian geography?

  • 90% of the Canadian population (with about 20% of Canadian production exported to the United States, and 15% of Canadian consumption and investment purchases imported from the United States).

  • Canadian GDP per capita is US$55,000 per year (compare to US GDP per capita of US$82,500 per year.

  • Canadian life expectancy is 79 for men and 84 for women (compare to US 75 and 80).

  • Population density within 100 miles of the US border is about 100 people per square mile (compare to about 1 person per square mile in the rest of Canada, 40 people per square mile in the trans-Mississippi United States, and 150 people per square mile in the United States east of the Mississippi).

  • The median age is 41.6 years

  • Visible minorities constitute about 25% of the population—South Asian, Chinese, Black, First Nations (6%), and so forth.

  • 98% can speak either English or French. The proportion who can speak both English and French goes from 50% in Québec and 34% in New Brunswick down to 10% in other provinces.

  • 23% of Canada’s population was born abroad, with only 1% born in the US.

  • The current lifetime fertility rate is 1.33 children per potential mother.

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