Sundowning in America: A Series: Part III

Trump on how immigrants have bad genes, and Vance on how state police should keep a menstruation registry…


Sundowning in America: ChatGPTrump1.0, prompted with a question about a $25,000 first-time homebuyer credit, winds up saying that immigrants have bad genes:

Donald Trump: That [credit] is going to drive the prices up, yeah. Your price is going to be $100,000 dollars more now. No, no, everything they want to do is wrong. First of all, you have to let the private sector do it. You just have to let them do it. She wants to go into government housing. She wants to go into government feeding.

She wants to feed people. She wants to feed people governmentally. She wants to go into a communist party type of a system. When you look at the things that she proposes, they’re so far off. She has no clue.

How about allowing people to come through an open border, 13,000 of which were murderers. Many of them murdered far more than one person, and they’re now happily living in the United States.

You know, now a murderer, I believe this, it’s in their genes. And we’ve got a lot of bad genes in our country right now. They left, they had 425,000 people come into our country that shouldn’t be here that are criminals. And you know one of the worst stats? 325,000 young children are missing. Can you imagine?…

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Sundowning in America: Remember, JD Vance is on record wanting to criminalize abortion nationwide, and to allow state police to establish state-level menstruation registries:

Matt Christy: Sen. Mike Braun said interracial marriage ruling should be left to states: ‘During the press call, [Indiana Senator Mike] Braun [®] had been explaining how he felt Roe v. Wade, the ruling that legalized abortions, should never have been a federal decision and been left to states to decide. A reporter then asked Braun if he applied the same reasoning to decisions like Loving v. Virginia, which struck down state laws that made interracial marriages illegal. Braun responded:

“When it comes to issues, you can’t have it both ways. When you want that diversity to shine within our federal system, there are going to be rules and proceedings, they’re going to be out of sync with maybe what other states would do. It’s the beauty of the system, and that’s where the differences among points of view in our 50 states ought to express themselves”… <…>

Sundowning in America: JD Vance, remember, was not just a normal “Never Trump” guy, but had turned it up to 11:

JD Vance: ‘On Donald Trump:

  • [He] just so thoroughly failed to deliver on his economic populism (excepting a disjointed China policy)….

  • [He’s] Emperor Trump…. I turned down my appointment from the emperor….

  • I’m a “Never Trump” guy…. I never liked him….

  • I understand where Trump’s voters come from. But I also don’t like Trump himself, and that made me realize that maybe I’m not quite part of either world totally….

  • My god what an idiot….

  • [Trump could be] America’s Hitler… [or he’s a] cynical asshole like Nixon…

  • Mr. Trump is unfit for our nation’s highest office….

  • I can’t stomach Trump. I think that he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place….

  • if I [had] fe[lt] like Trump [had had] a really good chance of winning, that I might have [had] to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton….

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