Xi Jinping as Aging Emperor

I need a specialist in Zhongnanhai—in the network of relationships and factions within the high councils of the Chinese Communist Party. Why is the news of the purging of Chinese economist Zhu Hengpeng surfacing right now, just as the PBOC & the politburo appear to be adopting his economic-policy recommendations? Are these connected? Unconnected?


Chinese economist Zhu Hengpeng criticized Xi Jinping’s economic policies, and apparently vanished last spring. Now his vanishing is being publicized—just as there is what is being sold as a major shift in Chinese economic policy away from the previous austere focus on green manufacturing exports and new productive forces as the only allowable drivers of demand going forward. Is there any connection here? And how does this interact with what we have all been expecting to see in terms of cracks developing in China’s “sultanist” régime’s functioning as the paramount leader ages?

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