Sundowning in America: A Series
Donald Trump’s “the wind is ruining everything” is almost poetic, but not quite. How the wind is destroying fields is left unstated…
Sundowning in America: I presume this is because the Trump clan and their friends are stripping every dollar of cash they can from the Republican Party campaign funds and putting it all in their own pockets:
Doug Blandry: ‘This is a campaign with 9 straight years of advance experience and $300 million in cash on hand what in the hell is going on here?… <…>
“The wind is ruining everything” is almost poetic, but not quite. How the wind is destroying fields is left unstated:
Donald Trump: ‘The wind is ruining everything, killing all your birds, destroying the fields, all these gorgeous fields. You got windmills all over the place and you have birds. You want to see a bird cemetery, just go under a windmill. The bald eagle. These windmills knock them out like nothing… <>
JD Vance claims that Jeff Bezos & Amazon welcome and are invested in having riots to burn down Main Street businesss to boost their profits:
Who benefits most when small businesses on Main Street are destroyed? Who wants to see their competitors unable to deliver goods and services to people, so that you get it delivered in your brown Amazon box? Jeff Bezo. The people who are invested in destroying America via our corporate class are also getting rich from it. This is an important piece of the puzzle to understand…. If you peel back the onion, what you find is that the businesses that are most connected and most devoted to destroying our values are also benefiting financially from it,.. <>
Donald Trump cannot remember that he is supposed to be copying Joe Biden’s State-of-the-Union line complaining about “shrinkflation”, as he attracts a mighty crowd of 2,500 in Asheville, NC:
Donald Trump: ‘Look at this. So. this is Tic Tacs, right? I don’t know if I like the company, I’ve never met—I have no idea. They’re so lucky. They’re so—look at all the television. There’s like— this is the greatest commercial they ever had. But that’s what happened. This is inflation. This is Tic Tac. This is Tic Tac. This is inflation. This is what’s happened…
And it is not even real “shrinkflation”: this is not cutting the size of your product by 10%—this is a different size-of-product entirely…
In a very strange world with very strange Republicans, this is perhaps the weirdest thing of the week—Trump’s people using MAMLMs to edit his speech post-production to make him sound less slurred than he is:
Jeff Jarvis: ‘Trump has himself A.I.-ed. He knows. His speech reveals something he doesn’t want revealed…. He’s covering it up. And reporters aren’t reporting on this: Donald Trump: “My conversation…. Because of the complexity of modern day equipment, and cellphone technology, my voice was, in certain areas, somewhat different and strange. Therefore we have put out an actual, and perfect, recording of the conversatio”n”…
Peter M. Davies: ‘I would think “Joe Biden’s team is doing post-production sound edits of his interviews to make his voice sound better than it is” might generate some, oh I don’t know, absolutely ballistic news coverage? but what do I know”… <>
What JD Vance sees as his enemy: Woke McKinseyism:
JD Vance: ‘I think the the cultural world you [James Pogue] operate in is incredibly biased…. [Its] impulse is fundamentally in service of something that is far worse than anything, in your wildest nightmares… [of] what you see here [at right-wing gatherings]…. [I want] my son [to] grow… up in a world where his masculinity—his support of his family and his community, his love of his community—is more important than whether it works for fucking McKinsey…
Sundowning in America: Now is America’s press corps to slow and torpid for the Streisand effect to kick in here:
‘It says it all that Republicans consider their policy agenda so toxic they don’t want it exposed before people vote: “A JD Vance-introduced book by a leader of Project 2025… will be delayed until after the 2024 election…. Kevin Roberts…. ‘I’ve chosen to move my book’s publication and promotion to after the election.’ Roberts is president of the Heritage Foundation, a hard-right Washington thinktank. His book, Dawn’s Early Light: Taking Back Washington to Save America, was due to be published in September.“…. It may not have been a great idea to make your vice presidential candidate the guy who literally introduced the book you think would torpedo your campaign if people saw it, but who am I to question Donald Trump Jr.’s coke-addled political wisdom?… <>
I thought the same. No, it is not satire. Usha Vance said that JD would “never ever… [want[ to hurt someone who is trying to have a family or is struggling with that…”:
Martinis & Mascara: ‘Truly thought this headline was satire: “Vanity Fair: JD Vance’s Wife: My Husband Only Meant to Insult People Who Actively Choose Not to Have Kids, Not Those Who Are Trying But Unsuccessful…
Andrew Jackson—whom Vance is quoting here—limited his judicial nullification to the Supreme Court’s attempts to protect the property of the Cherokee against large-scale theft. Vance, by contrast, envisions the next Trump presidency as one in which Trump is a more Sole Supreme Autocrat than even Ivan IV Rurik of Muscovy dared dream he might be:
James Pogue: ‘[Vance] said… “I tend to think that we should seize the institutions of the left and turn them against the left. We need like a de-Baathification program, a de-woke-ification program. I think Trump is going to run again in 2024. I think that what Trump should do, if I was giving him one piece of advice: Fire every single midlevel bureaucrat, every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people. And when the courts stop you, stand before the country, and say ‘the chief justice has made his ruling. Now let him enforce it’…
Pogue, James. 2022. “Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets.” Vanity Fair, April 26. <>.
What I am hearing from the—few, very few—people who want to become professional JD Vance-apologists is: “there is no way he would have had enough time to read it: he does not know what is in the book, so you cannot take his endorsement as an endorsement of the book’s content”. But one does not have to have read it—the label “Jack Posobiec” on the package tells you everything, unless you are too high to distinguish the bathroom from the closet door:
Michelle Goldberg: JD Vance Just Blurbed a Book Arguing That Progressives Are Subhuman: ‘Jack Posobiec… best known for promoting the conspiracy theory that Democrats ran a satanic child abuse ring beneath a popular Washington pizzeria… Unhumans… co-wr[itten] with… Joshua Lisec… endorse[d by] vice-presidential candidate JD Vance…. The book argues that leftists… [are not] human beings…. “As they are opposed to humanity itself, they place themselves outside of the category completely, in an entirely new misery-driven subdivision, the unhuman,” write Posobiec and Lisec…. Vance provided the first blurb on the Unhumans book jacket. “In the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags. Today, they march through H.R., college campuses and courtrooms to wage lawfare against good, honest people,” he wrote. “Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back”…. In the Venn diagram between “weird” and “dangerous,” there’s a lot of overlap. “Much like the United States founding fathers, Franco and his fellows saw themselves as rebels intended to overthrow a corrupt, tyrannical government that aided and abetted murder and rape as well as other repugnant sins,” write Posobiec and Lisec. We should take seriously the possibility that Vance and his fellows see themselves the same way <…>
JD Vance is even weirder than I had imagined—now he is objecting to husbands giving their wives pretty & classy looking things:
Donald Trump proposes to start a Central Bank Digital Currency untethered to the dollar, and to use it to pay off the national debt:
Donald Trump: ‘You have to understand about crypto. Crypto is a very interesting thing. Very high level in certain ways. Intellectually very high level. But if we don’t do it, China’s gonna do it. China’s gonna do it anyway. But if we don’t do it, China’s doing it. China’s already doing it. And if we don’t do it, other countries are going to do it. So we might as well be at the forefront. There are people in crypto that are very very smart people who do love our country. They think it’s—they think it’s good. Who knows, maybe we’ll pay off our $35 trillion [debt]. Hand them a little crypto check, right?”
“Late Republican” & “do something wild” = take Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix as a model to be emulated. Sulla overthrew the Roman constitution by armed force, remade it to his own desire, and in the process murdered 5,000 Samnite surrendered prisoners and 500 Roman aristocrats, including almost every magistrate elected between the years -88 and -82:
JD Vance: ‘We are in a late republican period. If we’re going to push back against it, we’re going to have to get pretty wild, and pretty far out there, and go in directions that a lot of conservatives right now are uncomfortable with…
Source: Pogue, James. 2022. “Inside the New Right, Where Peter Thiel Is Placing His Biggest Bets.” Vanity Fair, April 26 <…
Donald Trump’s assessments of his own hires:
Vice President Mike Pence: “delusional”, “not a very good person
Defense Secretary James Mattis: “the world’s most overrated general”
Chair of the JCS Mark Milley: possibly deserve[s] “DEATH”
Chief of Staff John Kelly: “by far the dumbest of my military people”
White House Counsel Don McGahn: Trump was “never a big fan”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions: “he went through the nominating process and he did very poorly. I mean, he was mixed up and confused.”
Press Secretary and First Lady CoS Stephanie Grisham: “didn’t have what it takes and that was obvious from the beginning”
Omarosa Manigault Newman: “When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out”
John Bolton: s a “dope” who “Never had a clue, was ostracized & happily dumped.”
Defense Secretay Mark Esper: “weak and totally ineffective”
Attorney General Bill Barr: “shouldn’t be anywhere near the Oval Office”; “Weak, Slow Moving, Lethargic, Gutless, and Lazy”
Trump pretends his anemic Atlanta crowd is the fault of… somebody else? The first thing he says, after thanking JD Vance:
Donald Trump: ‘I’m thrilled to be back in the great state of Georgia. I love Georgia with thousands of proud hard-working America American patriots. Crazy Kamala. Ultra Left. You know that she was here a week ago. [I see] lots of empty seats [now]. But the [larger] crowd she got was because she had entertainers. And it all started to unfold when they started to leave about ten minutes into the speech. Was very boring. I don’t need entertainers. I fill the stadium because I’m making America great again. That’s our entertainment. That’s our entertainment. Making America great again. And I have to tell you we have thousands of people outside. And the state was terrific. And the Fire Marshall I will say could not have been better. Thank you to the Fire Marshall. But the school administration stopped us from getting another 500, 600, even 1000 people in. Thousands of people were told “no”. And that was OK. But we could have fit another 600 people. So I don’t know anything about the school. I don’t know anything about this school. But they could have allowed more people. You see all the people standing outside. They could have come in. They could have come in. So we’re not happy. Hello out there. And then they actually pushed the people very far away from the building where we have beautiful cameras set up for the overflow crowds. The administration of the school. So I’m not sure I’m going to be sending anybody to the school. I’m not happy about it. If they are going to stand in the way of admitting people to our rally, imagine what they are going to do on Election Day…
The capacity of the the Georgia State University Convocation Center is 8,000 or so. Looks like Harris filled it. Looks like Trump got 85%. No, Georgia State did not herd Trump supporters who could have filled seats to the overflow screen area. In fact, I have not been able to find any photos of anyone in the overflow screen area. If you come across any, please forward.
Whattaboutism in the service of supporting fascists is no virtue:
JD Vance: ‘I gotta be honest with you, I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine. I do care about the fact that in my community right now the leading cause of death among 18- to 45-year-olds is Mexican fentanyl…
Most of us can think about more than one thing at a time. Not JD Vance.
Simone Biles is, as JD Vance would say, “obviously… not a white woman”. But she is the GOAT in what she does, a much greater ornament of and contributor to America than JD Vance should ever be, and so someone to be applauded and supported, rather than slagged by some attention-seeking dweeb:
Where did this come from? And why?:
Ron Filipowski: ‘RNC Chair Lara Trump filming herself drinking wine while her kid cries was pretty weird. <…
Amanda: ‘I think it is interesting that the last thing JD Vance did before getting the VP nom was go speak at a conference that is little more than a gathering of unregistered foreign agents for Hungary, all seemingly in competition with one another to rack up the most FARA violations… <>
Pro Tip: When eating lunch at a hot dog place in Warren, Ohio, DO NOT sit down at the cash register! Eat your food at a table, like a normal non-weird person:
Once again, the absence of front-page coverage is a very black mark for newspapers:
Laffy: ‘Via Dean Gloster: “Until pertussis vax, pertussis was #1 killer of children worldwide. Trump says he’ll cut all fed funds to any school that insists we vax children against pertussis, diphtheria, mumps, measles, polio. That is, basically, mass murder”. Andrea R MD: “Popping in to say a pres cand’t advocating to stop all childhood vax shd be nat news & disqualifying. Media failure literally takes my breath away. Childhood vax isn’t both sides issue you fucking idiots, it’s like a pub health thing…
Interesting to know that this is still what J.D. Vance believes, and interesting to wonder about what twin scorpions-in-a-bottle Vance and Trump think they are doing right now:
J.D. Vance: ‘I’m obviously outraged at Trump’s rhetoric, and I worry most of all about how welcome Muslim citizens feel in their own country. But I also think that people have always believed crazy s*** (I remember a poll from a few years back suggesting that a near majority of democratic voters blamed ‘the Jews’ for the financial crisis). And there have always been demagogues willing to exploit the people who believe crazy s***. What seems different to me is that the Republican Party offers nothing that’s as attractive as the demagogue…
Grifters: Read J.D. Vance’s Hillbilly Elegy, and the very first thing that strikes you is that Vance’s identity as an Appalachian hillbilly is an invented and assumed one:
J.D. Vance: Hillbilly Elegy: ‘My address was where I spent most of my time with my mother and sister, wherever that might be. But my home never changed: my great-grandmother’s house, in the holler, in Jackson, Kentucky…. In Middletown, Ohio… I… grew up. But until I was twelve, I spent my summers and much of the rest of my time back in Jackson…. We stayed with Mamaw Blanton in the house where she’d lived since before her husband left to fight the Japanese in the Pacific. Mamaw Blanton’s house was my favorite place in the world…. Jackson was the one place that belonged to me, my sister, and Mamaw…. In Jackson, I was the grandson of the toughest woman anyone knew and the most skilled auto mechanic in town; in Ohio, I was the abandoned son of a man I hardly knew and a woman I wished I didn’t…
Thus this fits very badly with Vance’s speech to the Republican National Convention:
J.D. Vance: Transcript: ‘Greetings, Milwaukee. My fellow Americans and my fellow Republicans, my name is J.D. Vance, from the great state of Ohio. Tonight— “O-H-I-O”. You guys, we gotta chill with the Ohio love…. If, as I hope, my wife and I are eventually laid to rest there, and our kids follow us, there will be seven generations just in that small mountain cemetery plot in eastern Kentucky. Seven generations of people who have fought for this country. Who have built this country. Who have made things in this country. And who would fight and die to protect this country if they were asked to. Now. Now that’s not just an idea, my friends. That’s not just a set of principle. Even though the ideas and the principles are great, that is a homeland. That is our homeland. People will not fight for abstractions, but they will fight for their home… <…>
Is his home Ohio? Or is his home Eastern Kentucky? Seven generations… Vance’s children will have 128 ancestors born at the time of the U.S. Civil War, of whom well under a quarter will be buried in that cemetery. Why does their father’s mother’s father’s ancestral line get pride of place?
J.D. Vance is quintessentially American—we have come to a New World from an Old World in order to escape the mistakes of the Old World and choose who we want to be in this land. But to choose to be a blood-and-soil white-power nationalist is perhaps the most unAmerican choice you can make of what to do with your American freedom.
And all so that you can help kleptocrats pick the pockets of the gullible…
Donald Trump says that if elected he will cancel the 2028 election. If Kamala Harris were ever to say that things will be “fixed so good you won’t have to vote”, what would the reaction be?:
Donald Trump: ‘Christians get out and vote just this time! You won’t have to do it any more! Four more years! You know what? It will be fixed! It will be fine! You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians!… In four years you won’t have to vote again. We will have it fixed so good you won’t have to vote… <>
J.D. Vance searches the internet for videos of human-dolphin attempted sexual congress. Apparently he did not realize that Twitter bolded your search terms before he began sharing:
Adam Bonin: ‘TIL that earlier this year, JD Vance posted the below without realizing that the bolded words indicated that he had intentionally searched for, and not merely stumbled upon, dolphin-related erotica on Twitter. Yes, friends, he did this on porpoise.… Trump… actually name[d] the possible second coming of Troy McClure to the Vice Presidency:
Donald Trump really thinks that the people seeking political asylum in the United States were previously incarcerated in a mental asylum in the country they are fleeing:
Donald Trump: ‘The greatest invasion in history is taking place right here in our country. They are coming in from every corner of the earth… at levels that we’ve never seen before. It is an invasion indeed, and this administration does absolutely nothing to stop them…. They’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. I, you know the press is always on because I say this. Has anyone seen “The Silence of the Lambs”? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’d love to have you for dinner. That’s insane asylums. They’re emptying out their insane asylums. And terrorists at numbers that we’ve never seen before. Bad things are going to happen… <…>
What particular kind of dementia is signified by this—saying the right number of syllables, but getting each syllable wrong?:
Donald Trump: “‘Kamala is also a total radical on a word called imboten—you know this, right? A word called what—abortion…
America’s enemies in George Soros’s mind: George Soros, and Black women with two few children:
J. D. Vance: ‘I certainly would like abortion to be illegal nationally. Let’s say Roe v. Wade is overruled. Ohio bans abortion… you know, in let’s say 2024. And then, every day, George Soros sends a 747 to Columbus to load up disproportionately Black women to get them to go have abortions in California. And of course, the left will celebrate this as a victory for diversity. That’s kind of creepy…. If that happens, do you need some federal response to prevent it from happening because it’s really creepy…<>
Today’s idea is to replace generals with racecar drivers. If Kamala Harris were ever to suggest anything equally unbalanced…:
Donald Trump: ‘How you do it is amazing. It’s so amazing. We should send you into. I’ve always said: “Get some of these guys”. I have a lot of friends in that world. I don’t know. I think. Is it, Roger Penske not a great guy too? He won 20 Indianapolis 500s. This guy wins all the time. We appreciate talent. I said: “Let me use these guys to guide our military a little bit”. When you can win so many races, that’s OK. You know. You guide. Same thing with coaches. You take some of our greatest football coaches. You put them at the table. “What do you like, coach?” Because in its own way it is not so much really different… <>
Trump cannot remember things he said earlier this month—and nobody in his circle dares tell him that he did say it:
Kate Sullivan: Trump said he’d consider Jamie Dimon for Treasury secretary but now says he doesn’t know who said that: ‘Trump said, “I have a lot of respect for Jamie Dimon.” He was then asked whether Dimon might be a future Trump administration Treasury secretary. “He is somebody that I would consider, sure.”… Tuesday Trump posted on Truth Social, “I don’t know who said it, or where it came from, perhaps the Radical Left, but I never discussed, or thought of, Jamie Dimon or Larry Fink for Secretary of the Treasury”… <>
Trump’s Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance says what the journamalists won’t—that Trump’s grabbing women by the pussy is his SOP:
J.D. Vance: ‘At a fundamental level, this is sort of a ‘he said, she said,’ right? And at the end of the day, do you believe Donald Trump, who always tells the truth? Just kidding. Or do you believe that woman on that tape?… <>
Paranoid to the max. If Kamala Harris or Tim Waltz were to demonstrate this degree of paranoia, what would the New York Times say?:
J.D. Vance: ‘Vance accused Joe Biden of deliberately relaxing enforcement at the country’s border as a strategy to kill off Republican voters via fentanyl trafficking: “If you wanted to kill a bunch of MAGA voters in the middle of the heartland, how better than to target them and their kids with this deadly fentanyl. . . . It does look intentional. It’s like Joe Biden wants to punish the people who didn’t vote for him”… <>
Vance has no convictions. Trump has 34.
There are five and only five differences even worth noting between the Bush-Clintoln NAFTA and the Trump-Lighthizer USMCTA:
Automotive manufacturing rules… requir[ing] 75% of a vehicle’s components to be manufactured in North America, up from 62.5%….
Dairy market access… expands U.S. dairy farmers’ access to the Canadian market.
Digital trade… prohibitions on data localization requirements.
Environmental provisions… $600 million to address environmental issues and simplifies enforcement procedures.
Biologic drugs… remov[ing] provisions… which Democrats argued would have limited Congress’s ability to legislate on drug pricing…
Perhaps—probably—Trump thinks that these differences are YUGE because Lighthizer told them they were, and he is gullible. But they are not YUGE. They are marginal—with the auto-parts one being the most consequential: good for workers in Michigan and neighboring states and for foreign automobile companies as US-firm production flexibility is reduced; bad for consumers in North America and for auto and auto-parts workers outside the Rustbelt:
Donald Trump: ‘I will end the electric vehicle mandate on day one. Thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands of dollars per car…. Plants will be built in the United States and our people are going to man those plants. And if they don’t agree with us, we’ll put a tariff of approximately 100 to 200 percent on each car and they will be unsellable in the United States…. Remember, U.S.M.C.A. I got rid of NAFTA the worst trade deal ever made and replaced it with U.S.M.C.A. which is, they say, the best trade deal ever made… <>
Every time Joe Biden has a word-memory senior moment, the press…:
If Joe Biden were just once to threaten to imprison a successful tech entrepreneur…
Donald Trump: ‘All I can say is that if I’m elected President, we will pursue Election Fraudsters at levels never seen before, and they will be sent to prison for long periods of time,” Trump wrote on Tuesday. “We already know who you are. DON’T DO IT! ZUCKERBUCKS, be careful!… <>
Freudian slips galore:
Trump: ‘We’ve been waging an all-out war on American democracy…
Has Joe Biden ever said anything as stupid as this?:
George Conway: ‘omg:
Or this?:
Digby: ‘This is just so, so stupid in so many ways: Trump: “I say that the thing that’s an existential threat is not global warming where the ocean will rise, maybe. And it may go down but may rise 1/8 of an inch in the next 497 years which gives you a little bit more waterfront property if you’re lucky…
We know he does not know what he is talking about; but what does he even think he is talking about?:
Donald Trump: ‘You look at our airports where flights are being delayed four days where people are pitching tents in an airport because their flight is so, you know, it’s never gonna even happen. We’ve never seen anything like it. And we’ve become like, you know, we, we are a failing nation where we’ve become a third world nation in many ways. Our elections are third world in my opinion, our airports are being run so badly, it’s so badly. It’s not even conceivable. People go the other night I had somebody going to the airport and they called up two days later to tell me that they’ve never gotten out. I said, but where are you still at the airport?…
Just think what the media reaction would be if Joe Biden were to claim he needed to go upstairs to deal with something outside his executive powers:
George Conway: Okay, guys, now can we have a full-blown discussion in the mainstream media about Donald Trump’s mental health?: Acyn: “Setoodeh: ‘Trump seemed to think he still had some foreign policy powers. There was one day where he told me he needed to go upstairs to deal with Afghanistan even though he clearly didn’t…
The “dementia” part here is Trump’s inability to think: When did Joan Rivers die? I should not lie about her personally telling me that she had voted for me until I get a chance to check that:
Keith Edwards: ‘Here’s the clearest sign of Donald Trump’s dementia: he says Joan Rivers voted for him. She died in 2014… <>
Just think what the media reaction would be if Joe Biden were to confuse Kamala Harris with Nancy Pelosi just once:
Jay Kuo: Trump’s Brain Is Not Okay: ‘An Ivy League graduate who once “tossed off well-turned phrases” had fallen to a 4th-grade level of speech. The MOCA dementia screening test that Trump brags about passing is slated to the mental age of a kindergartener (“Show me the picture of the lion?). Only a few grades to go…. More alarming is… [the] multiple former members of his administration [who] report being shocked that “he’s not the same person he was.”… Not only will Trump continue to get worse and worse, his rate of decline is accelerating, and if he is typical, he will fall off what they call the “cognitive cliff” relatively soon….
Forgetting names and dates is normal for people who are aging, like Joe Biden, and me, and millions of others. By stark contrast… “confusing people and generations” is a sign of advanced dementia. And this is the type of profound memory disturbance we’re seeing in Trump…. Trump confuse[s] Nikki Haley and Nancy Pelosi…. He’s said he’s running against Obama. How often does he say and think it in private?… Trump said it plainly, over and over. He didn’t look like he was joking (does he ever?) and said literally nothing to suggest he was referring to some Biden-Obama cabal. The more plausible explanation is that once again we are watching the workings of his demented mind in real time….
What happens to a nation when its chief executive has lost his capacity for executive functioning? Michael Wolff wrote that Trump not infrequently failed to recognize old friends. I don’t mean he forgot their names. He acted as if he’d never seen them before in his life. If you’ve ever had a relative with dementia you know how heartbreaking that stage of decline can be—to have to remind a loved one of who you are… <>
Just think what the media reaction would be if Joe Biden were to go on a demented incoherent ramble like this just one time:
Donald Trump: ‘It’s such a question I do get a lot. It’s such an interesting question. I’ve met with pilots that look just like you, actually…. These are perfect people. And they’re not conspiratorial. They’re not crazy.
And they tell me stories that they’ve seen things that you wouldn’t believe…. So I met with pilots, like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller. Handsome, perfect people. “Sir there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane”. And I look at these guys and they really mean it. And am I a believer? No. I probably I can’t say I am. But I have met with people that are serious people that say there’s some really strange things that they see flying around out there. And you know, if you go to Nevada and you look at that little section of where they go to look at the aliens, where they think all the aliens are landing, that you know, it’s one of maybe the number one tourist attraction in the United States. Roswell?… I have access… and I speak to people about it. I’ve had actually meetings on it. And they will tell you there’s something going on. When they say things, things are going four times faster than my beautiful top of the line airplane that goes, you know, real fast. With no identifiable propulsion system…. They have that are very smart and very solid have said they believe there is something out there. And, you know, it makes sense that there could be……
Just think what the media reaction would be if Joe Biden were to go on a demented incoherent ramble like this just one time:
Donald Trump: ’It must because of MIT, my relationship to MIT, very smart, he goes, I say, “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight, and you’re in the boat, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery’s now under water, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?”—by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately, do you notice that? Lotta shark attacks—I watched some guys justifying it today, ‘Well they weren’t really that angry, they bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were, they were… not hungry but they misunderstood who she was.’ These people are crazy. He said, ‘there’s no problem with sharks, they just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming,’ no, really got decimated and other people too, a lot of shark attacks.
So I said, ‘There’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards, or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking? Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Because I will tell you, he didn’t know the answer. he said, “You know, nobody’s ever asked me that question.” I said, “I think it’s a good question. I think there’s a lot of electric current coming through that water.”
But you know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark. So we’re going to end that, we’re going to end it for boats, we’re going to end it for trucks… <…>