Doctor Frankenstein's Venture-Capital Pitch

Very lightly edited from ChatGPT4. Cosma Shalizi should in no way be held responsible for anything…

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Opulent furnishings and lavish decorations adorn the spacious drawing room. A large fireplace crackles merrily as a group of DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMEN and LADIES, dressed in early 19th-century finery, gather around a central figure.

SAMUEL ALTON, a charismatic and visionary scientist, stands with an air of excitement, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of unveiling his revolutionary technology. A series of intricate drawings and small models are displayed on a grand table beside him.

SAMUEL ALTON Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for gathering on this auspicious day. What I am about to present could very well alter the natural order of life and death as we know it!

The audience murmurs with a mix of skepticism and intrigue.

SAMUEL ALTON Ladies and gentlemen, imagine the power to bring back the vigor of life to that which has ceased to be. The reanimation of dead tissue through electrical currents!


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