Tesla Needs Its Tim Cook Now!

What is Tesla, Anyway? And What Is to Be Done About Its Management? Now that Elon Musk is no longer a fundraiser, cheerleader, & sometime coach for engineers pushing forward remarkable & essential technologies and has become a meme-stock tech-bubble carnival barker, is he the right CEO for Tesla? No. What Tesla needs now is its very own Tim Cook…

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Oh, Elon Musk is a fine CEO for the Tesla of the current bunch of Musk fanboy Tesla speculator-shareholders who are planning to offload their stock in the next couple of years. It is very important for them that Tesla succeed as a meme stock. And Musk is doing all he can to make it happen.

But is that the only Tesla? Is that the Tesla we care about. I think the question answers itself.

.Back up:

From the standpoint of America and the world, Tesla as an organization is being built to be a technology-generating carbon transition-forcing enterprise. Its value for humanity and the country is 100% how it is a spearpoint and an accelerant in our carbon emissions-reducing transition from internal combustion to electric vehicles—a transition that is happening much too slowly. From the standpoint of its long-term shareholders (if there are any planning to hold the stock for the generations), Tesla as an organization is being built to be a sustainable profit-making enterprise—an efficient maker of electric vehicles for which there is and will be demand at scale. From the standpoint of its stakeholders—of its network of suppliers, workers, engineers, and customers—Tesla as an organization is being built as a production enterprise.

And from the standpoint of Wall Street’s speculators, Tesla is a bouncing ball in a roulette wheel: a meme-stock tech-bubble casino play.

In January 2018 Elon Musk’s tame Board of Directors at Tesla voted and in March 2018 a shareholder vote approved a pay package for Musk as Tesla’s CEO that turned him from a fundraiser, cheerleader, & sometime coach for engineers pushing forward remarkable & essential technologies into something else. It turned him into a meme-stock tech-bubble carnival barker.

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