FROM ÞE ARCHIVES: Thrown Against þe Wall on þe Proto-Weblog in November-December 1996...

December 1996:


Review of Richard Vedder and Lowell Gallaway, Out of Work: Unemployment and Government in Twentieth-Century America” (article) Why do so many people write books in which they have the answer–in which the whole economy can be understood through grasping one single factor? I hate that… Added 12/28/1996 Critical Review

Review of Doug Irwin’s Against the Tide: An Intellectual History of Free Trade” (short article)Doug Irwin is writing very good politically-relevant economic and intellectual history. Added 12/26/1996 EH.DISC

Review of Daniel Cohen’s The Misfortunes of Prosperity: An Introduction to Modern Political Economy” (short article) A book that I wish that I had written. Added 12/26/1996 New England Economic Review

“Is the Stock Market Overvalued?” in Slate (short article) The short answer: yes, it is; prepare for a stock market crash. Posted 12/20/1996


Comment on Xavier Sala-i-Martin, “I Just Ran Two Million Regressions” (talk)A comment presented at the January 1997 American Economic Association meeting Added 12/28/1996

B.A. 130 (Introductory Finance) [Fall 1996] (lecture notes)I am not sure how helpful this will be divorced from the course it rests on. Reorganized 12/18/1996

A Short Review of Economic Growth (article) In which I try to make sense of all the theories of economic growth that are out there. Added 12/2/1996


Billionaires (A project in progress) (musings) An attempt to look at the American economy through he lens of the very, very rich. Added 12/28/1996

“The British Stock Market and British Growth, 1870-1914”; with Richard Grossman. Available only in .doc and .pdf versions (article)First fruits of my NSF project with Richard Grossman. Added 12/26/1996

“Understanding America’s Hesitant Steps Toward Financial Capitalism”; with Carlos Ramirez. Available only in .doc and .pdf versions (article) A continuation of my financial capitalism project. Added 12/19/1996

Alan Greenspan and the Stock Market (short article) Is the market overvalued? The short answer: yes, it is; prepare for a stock market crash. Added 12/7/1996

November 1996:

World Economic Prospects: The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region: Trends and Cycles 11/11/1996

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