NOTE TO SELF: I Seem to Have Brushed by Richard Hanania Twice

“Rising right-wing commentator turns out to be Nazi-KKK adjacent who wants to sterilize Black people and expel all Hispanics” is not a great surprise:

From June 30, 2022: Me:

Brad DeLong's Grasping Reality
I Really Like Oded Galor’s Very Good & Very Brand-New "Þe Journey of Humanity: Þe Origins of Wealth & Inequality", &
FIRST: I Really Like Oded Galor’s Very Good and Very Brand-New The Journey of Humanity: The Origins of Wealth and Inequality And it gets a very nice review <[](…
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I confess I am finding Richard Hanania a very powerful challenge to Darwinism.

  • At the very basic level, Richard Hanania’s brain ought to have evolved to like to be in a place where it can see women—just as the wild rooster likes to hang out around my father’s hen coop, just because.

  • At a more sophisticated level, Richard Hanania’s brain ought to have evolved to find “stor[ies] with… female cast[s]” very relatable.

  • Brains that did not would have been very bad at convincing women who interacted with it that the organism that surrounded them was a nice guy likely to be a good family partner, and so they would have told their friends to stay away from that brain and its surrounding organism.

You can say that the really-existing tropisms we see in Richard Hanania’s brain that make him a misogynist who cannot find Yellowjackets, or anything else with a “mostly female cast”, “relatable”—that that must have been genetically linked in the evolutionary past to some countervailing advantages which are now obsolete, and that evolution is slowly, slowly working now to eliminate Richard Hanania’s genes from the gene pool. B

ut I do not find that satisfactory.

Someone, please spin me a just-so evopsych story of how, in a species in which successful reproduction overwhelmingly requires convincing one single female that you are a reliable partner (as opposed to driving other males away by winning locked-horn battles), such High-Bro thought patterns as those Richard Hanania demonstrates can be adaptive and evolve, either genetically or mimetically:

Richard Hanania: Passing the Bechdel Test: ‘Yellowjackets…. A story with a mostly female cast can for me be interesting anthropologically… but is also usually not very relatable. Having what could be a male story with a female cast most of the time doesn’t work…. [There are] reasons for thinking that we are past the peak of wokeness in TV and movies… LINK:

Richard Hanania's Newsletter
Passing the Bechdel Test
Listen now (75 min) | I spoke to Rob Henderson about Yellowjackets, Season 1, Episodes 1-6. We’ll release a discussion of Episodes 7-10 in the coming weeks. Usually we do an entire season of a show at once, but this time we thought it would be better to split things up. Those of you who haven’t watched the show but want to follow along can therefore go back, watch the first …
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From June 27,2023: Henry Farrell:

Programmable Mutter
The Correct Way to Argue with Richard Hanania
I’ve often had occasion to turn to Daniel Davies’ classic advice on “the correct way to argue with Milton Friedman” over the two decades since I’ve read it. The best white hat hacker is a reformed black hat hacker, and Dan (dsquared) knows both the offense and defense sides of trolling…
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Hanania seemingly wants to reconstruct policy and intellectual debate around a center in which questions of race and IQ are once more legitimate topics of inquiry and discussion. Back in the 1990s (a time that Hanania is nostalgic for), soi-disant centrists such as Andrew Sullivan could devote entire special issues of the New Republic to the urgent debate over whether black people were, in fact, stupider than white people. Big Scientific Facts Said That It Was So! Now, that brand of intellectual inquiry has fallen into disrepute. Hanania, apparently yearns for it to come back…. Those claims about heritability and IQ are in there, and why Steve Sailer makes the cut [as an “Enlightened Centrist”]…. Matt [Yglesias] was one of the “CT mates”… in… 2004…. I’ve had disagreements with Matt since, on other stuff, but I am quite sure that both he and Ezra [Klein] are bitterly opposed to the whole race and IQ project that Hanania wants to relegitimize. I can’t imagine that they welcome being… lump[ed]… with racist creeps like Steven Sailer. But… Hanania wants so to lump them… [to get] a patina of legitimacy for opinions that have rightly been delegitimated… To see what Hanania is up to… look very closely at what seems superficially reasonable…. You (for values of ‘you’ that really mean ‘I’) don’t want to get dragged in further unless you absolutely have to. As Noah Smith, another of Hanania’s involuntary inductees into the Enlightened Centrist Hall of Fame said, “"Race and IQ" racism is a DDOS attack” on the time and attention of anti-racists…. [So] the best way of arguing with Richard Hanania is simply not to argue at all….

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