David Chance: REVIEW of “Slouching” at Independent.ie (2022-10-01 Sa)
Nice to see:
David Chance <<www.independent.ie/entertain…>>: ‘At 600-plus pages… not for the faint-hearted, but there’s little in the way of jargon… the booked is laced with interesting anecdotes, although DeLong does get a bit wordy…’
“A bit wordy.” Hah! At over 600 pages, it is not a book for a flight from Dublin to Frankfurt or a ferry ride to Liverpool. Think “transoceanic” instead.
Slouching Towards Utopia <
David Chance: Slouching Towards Utopia: Clinton guru’s sweeping story of an economic dream that died: ‘Economist Brad DeLong has described himself as a ‘card-carrying neoliberal’ and a firm believer in the power of globalisation and free markets to deliver prosperity…