Steve Donoghue: REVIEW of “Slouching” at Open Letters Review
2022-10-10 Sa: Very nice to see: Steve Donoghue: ‘Historical asides are so winningly conversational that they very much make “Slouching”’s 600 pages surprisingly easy reading…. [DeLong] has written…
Brad DeLong
21 hr ago
Very nice to see:
Steve Donoghue: ‘Historical asides are so winningly conversational that they very much help to make the book’s 600 pages surprisingly easy reading… [DeLong] has written the most entertaining End Times narrative since The Late Great Planet Earth…’
Although Steve does seem to have less of the optimism-of-the-will than I do. Slouching Towards Utopia
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Steve Donoghue: Slouching Towards Utopia: Clinton guru’s sweeping story of an economic dream that died